Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Contemplative Life

A new friend in the Pacific Northwest recently sent me an arts magazine with an excellent piece by Poet Laureate Marilyn Nelson. It's entitled "The Contemplative Life" and is worth a long ponder...

Here's a little snippet:

Contemplative life is always making the passage
from death to life, from humanity to divinity.
It is always taking the risk of being human.

Our world today is so full of noise and distractions. There's something quite significant to glean from all of this. Delving into Nelson's work makes me want to curl up in bed with a candle lit and spend some time just resting. Maybe I will :).


Anonymous said...

Kathleen Norris' book Dakota talks about how living on the Plains (in a rural setting) can actually create a contemplative spirit in a person. Great book (have the feeling I've mentioned it here before).