Sunday, February 06, 2011

Deepening DC Culture

A good friend and I spent a bit of time yesterday chatting with a woman who owns a start-up vintage shop on U Street. The conversation excited me on many levels, and encouraged me to further believe that the DC design/art scene is really starting to blossom. This woman and her partner moved to DC to start their fashion line and she has been pleasantly surprised to find DC friendly and chock full of fun cultural opportunities (if you know where to look).

During the discussion, we were told about a neat local group that puts on vintage-themed bike rides twice per year (the Tweed Ride and the Seersucker Ride). Think people getting fully decked out in vintage seersucker and biking around downtown, then gathering for music and socializing at a big old mansion. That's a bit of what you'll find at the Dandies and Quaintrelles gatherings.

The Seersucker Ride is coming up this summer, and I can't wait to take part in this amusing event.

The Seersucker Social from ReadysetDC on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

OhMyGosh! The Seersucker Social looks AWESOME!! That video is adorable, and I really wish I lived in DC for that.
Charlottesville needs one of those. Besides, at least 3/4 of the UVA kids already own seersucker of some sort, so it wouldn't even be difficult. :)

The Treslator said...

I know, right? You should come for it, or else you should initiate one in Cville soon. Great running into you a few weeks ago at the teen fest (lol).