Saturday, December 26, 2009

An Intriguing and Practical Wall Adornment

I happen to love artistic touches that utilize collages and mixed media. When looking for a way to spend a bit of Christmas money on some decorative elements for my apartment that weren't cookie cutter but also wouldn't break the bank, I ran across this lovely calendar/collage at Etsy.

This canvas-sized calendar packs a punch thanks to the creative twist that its developers have used in forming its contents. Using various letterhead images from photos taken in Paris, this functional collage provides a cool way to bring a hint of European charm to a home or workplace. Owners of this beaut can customize the numbers to fit the current month, providing a chic way to display dates in a setting where a more traditional calendar might stick out like a sore thumb.

To learn more about how this lovely work of art was made, check this out:

In case you're interested, you can purchase the calendar either at Etsy in the "Little Brown Pen" store or at Or, if you're feeling artistic, perhaps you can take a bit of inspiration from these creatives and go make your own one-of-a-kind collage.