My wellspring has been running dry lately. For the past 6 months, all circuits have been on go, save for a quasi-respite spent in France earlier this month. Nowhere has this been more evident than in my writing, a direct outpouring of my thought life, which has been severely lacking this year. To recharge my batteries, i'm going on a hiatus for the month of July. When I return, I hope to bring lessons from a place sometimes forgotten, but much needed, in today's ever-connected culture.
I've quoted the lines below before, but i'm going to again, because they just ring so utterly true:
One of the chief obstacles to this perfection of selfless charity is the selfish anxiety to get the most out of everything, to be a brilliant success in our own eyes and in the eyes of other men. We can only get rid of this anxiety by being content to miss something in almost everything we do. We cannot master everything, taste everything, understand everything, drain every experience to its last dregs. But if we have the courage to let almost everything else go, we will probably be able to retain the one thing necessary for us-whatever it may be. If we are too eager to have everything, we will almost certainly miss even the one thing we need.
-Thomas Merton, No Man is an Island
Cheers folks, hope to see you soon!
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