Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Consider Taking A Creative Leap With LEGO

It started with a brief conversation with my Mom about a week ago regarding a woman in Raleigh who recently took a job where she will promote LEGOs as a non-traditional learning tool to North Carolina's budding metropolis known loosely as "The Triangle." The conversation has now blossomed into a mild obsession. Here's a thrilling video from LEGO to get your creative juices flowing:

If that's enough to whet your appetite, check out LEGO® CL!CK's intriguing website. The site provides links to all kinds of fascinating creative endeavors, such as a popcorn-making robot that is run via twitter!

P.S. I may or may not have built a computer-run greenhouse with LEGOs in my 8th grade computer class. Who's to say that these things don't come back to visit you years later?