Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Whole Foods Values

So, i've been pondering significantly about my own values in addition to the principles which make a company "good/effective" as I approach the many ideas swimming in my head. Tonight, in the midst of trying to get into a Jane Jacobs book (i'm going to be honest her books are less compelling-writing style wise-than I anticipated) and make sense of this crazy calling i'm feeling on my heart with increasing strength, eating dinner at a table at Whole Foods I noticed their "Core Values" posted on the wall. Several of them really struck me and I think they're worth posting.

There are many reasons why I love Whole Foods, although admittedly it doesn't quite compare to my favorite Chapel Hill Co-Op, Weaver Street Market. And reading these values just cements my reasons for liking it all the more. Whole Foods started as a grocery option when I went on a fair trade/organic everything craze in college (a much harder quest than one might anticipate). Since then, i've become a frequent visitor. They have such a unique variety of foods, including certain local ingredients I was never able to find previously, and their store design is really invigorating. Additionally, I've never been to a place where the employees seemed so cheery, and excited to be at work-this is saying a LOT, I used to work in retail and it often sucks, straight up-, and their hot/cold food bar, while overpriced is really tasty. Not everything is perfect there, I do have some complaints and frustrations-especially about the overpriced items-but I like a lot of what this grocery chain stands for and works to live out day to day.

So here are their values:

Selling the Highest Quality Natural and Organic Products Available
Satisfying and Delighting Our Customers
Supporting Team Member Happiness and Excellence
Creating Wealth Through Profits & Growth
Caring about our Communities & Our Environment
Creating ongoing win-win partnerships with our suppliers.

Numbers 1, 3, and 5 are especially intriguing...I'm interested in drilling down a bit more and exploring their business model in further depth. I'll let 'ya know when I find out more.


kd said...

Rebecca thank you - I posted this and a little shout out on my blog. Hope you don't mind - I gave you full credit!

The Treslator said...

Of course not; thanks for the shout-out Kim!