Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I found this amidst some old files from my sophomore year of college. It moves me to ponder these words today:

“This need for the gospel is a deep, cutting, thrilling thing. It moves beyond flesh and marrow and pierces the very soul. It is vastly beyond my comprehension and yet I still desire to touch it’s source. The material aspect of this world seems a wicked breeze constantly blowing in our hair calling us to chase it on a whim. And yet, fulfillment is never found in the wind. It is at such a realization that I fall to my knees and realize the power of Jesus Christ. He is there to fill the holes that nothing else ever could or will. We hurt, we desire, we long, to be deeply loved, to be filled, to be truly passionately alive. And that life can come solely from Christ. He lifts us up from the depths and calls us his Beloved. He is the very water and bread that sustains our beings and apart from him we wither into nothingness. He casts a light on the shadows and penetrates the darkness of our hearts, changing our very understandings of existence. Christ gives our beings
purpose and freedom and awe and exhilaration. In him alone will I boast.”


jwpmeinen said...

wow, very good stuff!