Friday, December 19, 2008

Ian O'Sullivan -IOS Studio

Catching up on a bunch of stuff in the office today and finally read through Ian O'Sullivan's vision statement that he sent along to a few in our office a while back. Ian is a photographer (in addition to working at Bloomberg) and his wife, DebraLee, is an actress and model. They're a really cool couple that I had the pleasure of meeting in October.

Luckily for you Ian's vision for his art is also posted online, along with some of his photography.

For more info go here:

Here's an excerpt:

"Our goal is to use artwork to inspire people to live more creative lives. Our strategy is to build new relationships with people by selling them affordable artwork that will appreciate in value. Over time we will share important pieces of our 'life philosophy' that underlies the artwork. The message of our faith will be embodied into different creative and inspirational formats such as music, video, visual poetry etc. Our style of work will resemble secular forms of art, decor, and entertainment—but it will be subtly and artfully infused with our world view and under-girded by our example of living a Christ-centered lifestyle."—Ian O'Sullivan, 2007

To view Ian's newly loaded photo site, go here: